Change and Release Management

Automate and streamline release management process to amplify business value

Release Management

Adaptability is our secret to success in the fast-changing IT industry. We stay ahead of the game by mastering the latest tools and technologies in DevOps, enabling us to seamlessly manage change, releases, integration, and deployments - so you can focus on your business, not your IT.

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What we Offer

  • Code Version Change Control

  • Build and release management

  • Continuous and Manual Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Autonomous Production deployment and scaling

Release Management

Change Management and Release Management are crucial components of Service Oriented IT Management, enabling organizations to streamline their software delivery cycle. At USRUTECH, we leverage DevOps paradigms to facilitate a seamless transition of applications from one state to another, using collaboration, automation, and well-defined feedback loops to achieve success. With our approach, we can help you optimize your IT processes and achieve faster, more efficient software delivery.

USRUTECH's team of experts is well-versed in the best methodologies for improving software development and delivery. We use a comprehensive approach that includes planning, scheduling, executing, controlling, and aligning the flow and deployment of applications across different environments to optimize the SDLC process and speed up releases. Our experts have a deep understanding of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and can manage releases to make your business more agile and efficient. With USRUTECH's release team, you can rest assured that applications and upgrades required by your business will be delivered efficiently while maintaining the integrity of your existing production environment.

With our wealth of experience in change and release management tools like Jenkins, Ansible, Jira, Docker, and Git, USRUTECH can help you to seamlessly coordinate cross-functional teams, manage development branching, automate testing and deployment, and organize all your release schedules and cadences. Our team of experts is skilled in utilizing these tools to streamline your software delivery pipeline, enabling your organization to achieve faster, more efficient, and high-quality releases.